How to Tackle Your (Bad) Moods (Stoic Lesson #38)

Do you have any bad habits? Of course you do. It's what you do next that matters. Even the great philosopher emperor, Marcus Aurelius struggled with these 'moods of the mind".
In Week 38's lesson from "A Handbook for New Stoics", you are asked to take a few moments and begin to identify which of the four 'moods' (or habits of the mind) you struggle with:
- Needless 'fancy' (ruminating about the unnecessary, unproductive, or unhealthy)
- Thinking anti-social thoughts or desires (not being helpful to others)
- Being insincere
- Giving in to unhealthy urges or not forgiving yourself
Give yourself 'space' from your bad habits to 'unpack' and look at them objectively.
Which of the 4 do you seem to lean toward? How can you Flip the Script on those habits?
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