How to Deal with Frustrating People (Stoic Lesson #25)

While the calendar may reflect a change to the year, the reality is that - without intentional action - how we chose to "deal with" 2020 will persist.
Thankfully, we have our weekly reflections and lessons from our 52-Week journey of Stoicism from A Handbook for New Stoics!
People...can't live without them, and (at least according to the Stoics) we're supposed to work WITH them, as it's our Human nature. Yet, how can we - as growing students of Stoicism (and life), deal with those people who cause us frustration?
In Week 25's lesson, we explore some of the ancient wisdom of Marcus Aurelius and realize that - even 2000+ years ago, he was struggling with the same situations and people as we do today.
What were a few of the 10 "heads" or reminders that you found the most useful for the week? Which, if any, did you struggle with, as Amy did? Let us know on Facebook or YouTube!
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