Expand Your Circle of Caring (Stoic Lesson #34)

It's often easier for us to have compassion, patience, and caring for those within our 'inner circles' or tribes. But, what if you flipped the script on this notion and - instead - tried to care MORE for those whom you don't know or know little of/about, calling and treating them as "brothers" and "sisters"?
That's what Week 34's lesson in our 52-week #stoicism journey with "A Handbook for New Stoics" challenges us to try. This concept is similar to a #Buddhist practice called "Metta meditation": caring MORE for strangers and people you dislike by sending and wishing them kindness.
In today's world of ideological division and political 'enemies', how can attempting this "Love vs. Hate" exercise change your perspective, as well as your own peace of mind?
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