Survey Says!...Employee Experience is Critical for Success

Enhancing the 'employee experience' was cited as the top priority for organizational success in a recent Willis Towers Watson survey. But, what does that actually mean? And are you focused on what your employees truly need?
It's been 18 months since COVID-19 prompted dramatic changes to how, where, and when work is conducted across the world. Up until recently, the conversation was centered around when companies could "return to normal". Well, that aspiration is no longer a reality, with "hybrid" models being explored as the way forward.
From Obstacle to Opportunity
Despite the obstacles the pandemic presented, it also has become an opportunity to reflect, review, and revise the old ways of thinking, doing, and behaving. Prior to the pandemic policy-driven shutdowns, a little more than half (54%) of respondents cited enhancing their employee experience as a high priority. Now, that number is topping 94%.
While this is a welcome and refreshing dose of truth - realizing that employee satisfaction and well-being help the bottom line - are you really prepared for what is involved to make that happen?
A Digital Disillusion
It's no surprise that almost three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed cited digital transformation as their primary focus to improve their employee experience. We're all guilty of thinking that new app everyone is talking about or this new ATS will be the silver bullet to make everyone more efficient, effective, and happy. While these tools may help your long-term productivity and boost your revenue, the truth is they will not fundamentally improve the experience of your employee - only the way(s) in which they do their work.
Listen, your teams have been through a lot these past 18 months (and counting). Not only have they had to - almost overnight - create a home office and pick up as if nothing has changed, but they also became the school nurse, teaching assistant, tech support, daycare, activities coordinator, lunch crew, PE instructor, and so much more.
With all of this on their list of daily to-dos, how do you think they're going to embrace your next "digital transformation initiative"? Our guess is it's going to be received about like this:
#RealTalk...adding more to your employees' already-overloaded days - even if it's a perfectly logical and well-intended new program or project - is going to most likely have HUGE, boulder-sized obstacles to overcome.
Those obstacles = the mindsets of your employees.
Good Intentions, Wrong Order
The irony of the Willis Towers Watson survey is that - while 73% of companies want to focus on digitalization and DE&I (82%), the tools, techniques, and skills necessary to lead a transformation or create better collaboration and respect are lower on the priority list (61% - manager training, 59% learning and development, and 54% leadership competencies).
How can your employees lead (or even simply be a participant in) a transformation if they're not prepared to handle the changes that will most certainly accompany it?
As the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once famously said, "The only constant is change". And yet, what tools have we been taught to help us navigate these waters?
Sure, you may already have an Employee Wellness program. But, what about creating strong, resilient, collaborative, and effective teams and employees before additional support is necessary? To learn ways to tackle overwhelm, miscommunication, and team misalignment before it leads to burnout, dysfunction, or change revolt?
Progress Begins with Your People
We want you to grow your business. To not just survive the changing of the tides, but to thrive and emerge better than you were yesterday. To do that starts with your People. If your People are strong, your business will be, too.
As Zig Ziglar once said, "You don't build a business. You build People, and People build the Business."
Regardless of whether improving the employee experience is your top priority or at the bottom of your list, the truth is that - whatever your next big goal is for your company - you're going to need your people to make it happen. And, first and foremost, you must ensure they have the tools they need to show up, lead, support, and serve.
Join us on The Porch
Have a new initiative in progress or on the horizon? It's time to prepare your people for the change. Schedule a FREE Workshop with our team, where we'll create a game plan for your company's success.
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Cover photo: @JonTyson via Unsplash